





Entries in pinup (3)





You won't find another studio that is able to provide custom personalized product after a PINUP session. Because immortalizing each PINUP in actual EVERYDAY (USEFUL) PRODUCTS allows for each beauty to live forever and the goal for Kerry DePew Photography.

Between glassware to useful travel items, to recipe books and jewelry, you won't find another studio that can customize YOUR PINUP SELF.





I am honestly just not a blogger...

I just don't put in the time.

But whose reading blogs anyway, when there's Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok. I am not on Tik Tok, I just don't think I can do one more social media outlet ESPECIALLY one with videos. I wish I was better about it, but I am a mom, a wife, and small business owner that is doing her best. And Tik Tok is just not me.

Anyhow, a couple of favorites from recent shoots. Just because. 

Mrs. S got in a shoot for her hubby's birthday. I love it.




Ms. K jumped on the boat last year, but we finally got our schedules lined up. I absolutely love this gal.


I have a couple more, but these are the most recent.

Love a couple of friends that trust me to pin them up.






Oh my goodness, I am terrible at BLOGGING

I mean, I haven't blogged in like.... erg.... a YEAR.

I spend more of my time updating Instagram and Facebook... because honestly, it's just easier from my phone. And let's be honest, 2020 WAS A WASH.

So let me fill you in since my last blog. I had a couple of sessions in early 2020 that I honestly never got around to posting here. I thought 2020 was going to be MY year.

And I decided to buy this awesome space for my studio (and future life plans), closing on it right before COVID. And then COVID decided to change our entire lives.

I won't lie, being married to someone on the frontlines in 2020 (who is actually important to an entire hospital structure in this community) was very, very heavy. It meant that we as a family lived our lives very differently- so much more in quarantine to protect others and ourselves, especially when every day my spouse was directly in it with COVID. Everyday was a different amount of emotions and my coping method is to rechannel heavy energy into making something beautiful. Looking back on the year, it's been a year where I took all of my funky ideas and tried to get them out there. It was a year I could perfect my editing. I spent it figuring out what direction I wanted to take my business, but also what needed to be made in the studio. It was a year of envisioning costumes, props, and my artwork. It was a year of getting life a little more organized, painted, and ready for future sessions. (There was so much painting, I left sets of paint clothes at the studio- and they might still be there.) It's been a year since I closed on that space that would house the clothes, furniture, art projects, and props for pinup. It's been a year of non-stop making, cleaning, painting, and creating spaces and scenes. It's been a year and I will be ready when it's time to open to the entire public.

Last year, I did a handful of outdoor family sessions for friends and one pinup in the summer all dependent on numbers in our community and the direct input of my healthcare spouse. As of March 2021, I am only accepting healthcare that have been fully vaccinated. In a way, it is my little thank you to open to my people in my former life. When vaccines are rolled out to the entire public (including me), I will plan to open fully. Until then, enjoy the fact that I have amazing friends in healthcare. They are pretty darn fantastic...

So that's the year in a nutshell.


Can I present my amazing friend, Kara?! I have known her as a co-worker, as a neighbor, and a friend. She's one hot mama and wife, but she's also one amazing caregiver with the heart of gold. And she honored me by being in my studio a couple days before her birthday. For International Women's Day. I mean, perfect, AM I RIGHT?!

Seriously, I have been so lucky to know some legitimately BEAUTIFUL gals, inside and out.  I hope to highlight some of my current work and throw in some oldies that I never posted. Stay tuned. And Les Elvgren, eat your heart out.

