





Entries in vintage photographer (10)


When your friend...

...Used to be a flight attendant.

...Gets excited and builds you (without very little evidence that it should be done).

...Is the encourager and THAT person you ALWAYS want in your corner.

...Validates and says the things that need to be said before it comes out of anyone's mouth because it's genuine.

..Starts to gather up ALL THE THINGS before it happens, because she's 100% ALL IN with you...

Well, you bet your bottom dollar that THIS friend deserves some love on the blog. Love this gal. I CAN'T EVEN with her genuineness, her honesty, and her refreshing love for all the things.

Everyone needs a Maria like this one in their life. I am so lucky that she's part of mine and I am so loving the way that this shoot incorporated her previous career in the airlines as well as the way we feel about "momming."

She honestly is a light in my life as well as everyone she graces. She will save your butt, brainstorm with enthusiasm in any problem, and talk in a way that is honest and hilarious at a later time. 

(flight attendant pictures involve mixed media of old advertisements for that fun vintage ad feel)

And just in time for the next holiday... LOVE how these turned into a very OLD SCHOOL PINUP style...


And we really did have a photoshoot... 

She's the best. I mean, look at her. She's the best. 

XOXO, Kerry




One of my favorite girls out there...

Can I talk about one of my closest girlfriends?

She is perhaps one of the most thoughtful, genuine, kind, and REALLLLLL people I know. And she does it all. I don't think you get it, but she really does it all. I mean, all of it. As in runs all the things and while she does it, she is really, really kind. She really exudes the greatest energy and I am so lucky she's part of my everyday people. Oh and the cherry? She's seriously gorgeous. As in jaw drop gorgeous. (There's something to be said about the way that good energy inside really reflects on the outside too... And she's really actually one of them)

Don't believe me? Well, just a couple from her session. 

You didn't believe me, did you? 

I hate to say it, but I don't know how, but I have a beautiful tribe. Really. Inside and outside.

Genuinely, honest, good freaking women who raise their kids with me, kill it in all they do, and build me up. It doesn't make sense. But you will get to see more of them here in the next month. Because my girls will brainstorm with me, network for me, and take the day off to take pics with me. And seriously, FILL MY CUP. Because they are my girl tribe. 


I had the opportunity to take pictures at the Red Lion Lounge... If you haven't had a chance to grab a drink at the Red Lion Lounge... then you have been missing out. I have been here numerous times in the Blackstone District and love the vibe. When you sit in their booths, well you feel like it is a different time and place. The pink door is one of the most famous doors in that building, which you can't miss, but I have always been about the ambience of a bar. And of course the drinks. This place has a classy feel to a night out, but also that Nebraska nice too.

Maybe even more so, is when you realize that one of your neighbor's best friends owns a triplet of places that you TAKE YOUR OUT OF TOWN GUESTS TO EAT. That's right, Red Lion is associated with Butterfish (best sushi in town) and Stirnella (literally the place I take all of my friends to lunch on the way to the airport). It totally makes sense. I am so glad to call them new friends also... because foodies. And friends.




Photography + Vintage Art + Humor = Kerry DePew Style

I know Christmas ended a couple of days ago and so I hope that this post finds you in a less chaotic mode now that the hustle of the holiday is winding down. I wasn't sure if I would get these silly holiday memes out, but better late than never. And perhaps better now that the holiday is over that we can be a little more lax than usual.

It's been a little crazy with getting my friends to get in hair and makeup, get in to model, AND take my headshots for me. December is crazy for every mom out there. Every mom is making the holidays happen. And oh, somehow fulfilling a huge request for me. I am forever grateful for each one of them. You will see the next couple of posts dedicated to each of those people...  

But first, one of my dearest girlfriends has always got my back. Not to mention she totally shares my humor and indulges my goofy requests. If you see the next post, you will see a totally different vibe, so I thought I would share this one first. Because this is the fun part of my new artistic vision... The fun part of making someone into a vintage meme, by adding in the magic of Photoshop and maybe something truly classical. 

Here's to my best girlie, Shelli. (And I can't wait for you all to see the next post, because like I said, she pulls off a different vibe altogether... JAW DROPPING GORGEOUS vibe that she continues to kill this session)



And if you know her, she's always on the GOOD LIST... But when you look this hawt, it's hard to believe. Love this gal!!!


Work in Progressssss

I am working on the new plans and I just wanted to post a couple of my own session.

My really amazing person (old co-worker, amazing friend, fellow photographer) grabbed a couple of great shots for me to post for head shots. Not going to lie, her straight out of the cameras are the reason why all families should hire her. She's amazing. But my goal is to digitize my shots for the funniest goals. Mainly to turn myself into a meme as well as for post-it notes. Because all of us need to be memorialized this way. Just one for the books really quick and more to post later. But if you know me, I don't look like this. And if you know me, I will never really look like this. But it made some jaws drop and some friends scream out loud and made me feel like my visions are super fun and right for me in this moment in time. So, just in case you want to be digitized...

xoxo, Kerry




New directions...

If you happen to be here, please be aware that portfolios are being disabled while I am in the process of overhauling this entire website and will be presenting with something brand new...

My relationship with photography is ever-changing and recently, life-changing too. I will be stepping away from Social Work at the hospital (life demands have changed) and moving into a new direction within the photography biz. In fact, something so different in direction, that my clientele will also be changing for the sake of artistry. I know, I know, I sound very artsy-fartsy, but once you see the directions that I am heading in, you will get it. And maybe you won't, and that's okay too. I am going to do me and you go ahead and do you. And I have always done the different, so there's that too. A little Seuss unintended.

It's hard to describe, but I am in the process of putting together the right team and the right collaborations in order to make this something new for Omaha. And maybe not new, but more my speed and more to fulfill what photography is for me: ART. For me, making people into art and capturing them in how I see them is much more cup-filling then the same old same old. I know that I can capture families and babies and life, and while EVERYONE is doing it, I just have never been about what everyone else is doing. I want to put in props that are different, and beautiful scenery that is outside the norm, and I want to make reactions be heart-clutching... because it's DIFFERENT.

SOOOO hear me out. I'm bringing classy vintage photography to Omaha. These pics were taken in New Orleans with a dear friend, who has a lot of trust in me and also happens to be gorgeous. Details to come with the right pricing once that right team is established. It's a work in progress, but I am bringing this to Omaha. Because it's more my speed and I am sure there will be those that are looking to stand out as beautiful retro art.






Making people into old vintage pinups is hard work, but someone has got to do it.


Hope you enjoy my work! Please note that these are copyrighted images.  




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