





Entries in Nebraska (11)



Life before Covid, I had approached a former co-worker as I realized that her husband's tattoo shop (Liquid Courage) just hired a local artist (Wags Sign Company) for a MERMAID sign in front of their shop. It was A FLASH MERMAID TATTOO, done in that almost Sailor Jerry kind of way. Such a cool piece of art.

It was so inspiring, I had to get in touch with my friend to see if she would want to do a mermaid session. We had all these plans, with a couple of other girlfriends in her life to do a mermaid session together... Best laid plans and then of course, the pandemic hit.

Everything went on hold. But as soon as we could, with immunizations in place, we were able to get these beautiful LONG AWAITED images. I LOVE how her session turned out. I learned quite a bit more about flash tattoos that I have found inspiring for all my pinup work. I caught up with an old friend who I have missed working with. And you know, we took some pretty amazing pictures with ideas for fun products. Because her images are so perfect...

Without much ado, can we just awe in this???

I mean, I really can't even. I have a set of retro housewife that I hope to share in another blog post, but for now, how cute are these images?

And for one final product option, because of just how much we love great people who inspire us... A page of temporary tattoos?!?! How perfect?!!


Stay tuned for a page on products.

Lots of love and good vibes,



Talk about pinup

We all have our circles of people, right?

Your work circle, your neighbor circle, your kids' moms circle, your community circle, and then your friend circle. Sometimes people overlap in circles. You find someone whose a fellow mom, living in your neighborhood, and oh they work at the same place that you did. And you share the same humor. Like a lot of the same humor. This gal is especially one of those friends that you keep in your circle of people.

And when she gets in a session, she hits it out of the park. Legit, threw down the gauntlet when she let me stylize her in all the ways with all my crazy ideas. I can't even begin to talk about product with her.

Trust is allowing me to see vision for your session. My friends honor me with the trust that I will make them some fantastic pinups.






While we were in Lincoln last week on a misty snowy day, my friend wanted to hit up a friend's new restaurant. Life, man. It's hard for us to sometimes make it when we have little ones running around to make it out of town. Might have been a perfect seize-the-moment day.

This is how that conversation went.

Friend: "Do you think we can stop by a friend's restaurant? I haven't been able to see it yet."

Me: "Sure! Let's look it up and see if it's close."

Friend: "Downtown. There's a stage and singing staff."

Me: "Is it something we might want to take pictures at? That sounds like fun!"

And then friend texts friend and THIS. THIS IS THE MAGIC THAT COMES FROM RANDOM CREATIVE CONVERSATIONS. (Yes, that was all caps for a reason... Because see below)

Check this amazing restaurant out if you happen to be in Lincoln. The staff are incredibly talented! What a fun, unique place! Love that we had some fun with this session.

(Anyone else watching Marvelous Mrs. Maisel? This totally gave me that vibe... Spotlights, fun clothes, and that early 60s vibe)

XOXO, Kerry


Pink Robes at the Graduate Hotel Lincoln

Part two...


I mean, in my previous post I talked about the staff at the Graduate hotel in Lincoln. We were walking around taking pictures in amazing vintage clothes brought you by LaDama Vintage (Lauren runs this private boutique) in Omaha. And I bust out two of my new favorite robes. Because what doesn't scream vintage starlet more than PINK ROBES??? One is an ombre pink peach and the other is Barbie pink. And I have these pink heels that I can't even begin to tell you (if you love shoes, you would get it... and one of these days, I will just photograph these shoes, side note for those that care).

Between the WOMEN'S BATHROOM to the BRIDAL SUITE at ... I hope I can find someone who wants to do a shoot here again. Because this might have been the most fun ever for a creative... And yes, I realize my friend looks like Marilyn Monroe so that brings about a vibe that is hard to duplicate... But really, this was kind of the best in a photographer's mindset... enough talking, more pictures, AM I RIGHT?

(Did you know the suites have an old school arcade machine and a SMEG fridge???) 


All the modeling does make one wish for another cup of coffee... 


Cheers to this friend, who gets my silly and was ready to get memed. Those will be coming, but currently, this is an overload of all the things. 

And I am almost certain you have fallen in love with her. I know, she's kind of a starlet. (She doesn't act like this in real life, not even a smidge, so there's that part that makes her even more adorable... because seriously, my tribe of people are the farthest from the glam dram as possible... but goodness, you make them up and put them in clothes that exude a whole different look and the vibe... oh yeaaaaaa).


XOXO, Kerry 


Marilyn Monroe is in the hotel... I repeat Marilyn is in the hotel (part ONE)

I say this as a joke, but seriously, look at my GURLLLLL. I mean, REALLY.

Just a quick background. She's a fellow creative in my tribe. The one I will talk ideas with because she REALLY does GET IT, but also because she is always down for ALLLLLLL of my crazy photo ideas. She questions very little of what I do and it's soul-filling to create with another maker. And the usual- I love her little family, and that she is a fellow fun mama, who tells it like it is and gets the work, the goofy, and the craziness of life. Did I mention, she gets it- before I even ask... So, she was honestly the perfect person to have a session at this AMAZING PLACE...

If you haven't heard about the Graduate Hotel chain, you are DEFINITELY missing out on amazing hotels. I first came across the hotels when I happened to be in Lincoln for a really fun outdoor concert last spring. I wanted to know more just with the sign of the hotel and its location (mainly as an option if I didn't want to drive back to Omaha in the dark). But it has become clear that this particular hotel is more than just a comfy bed for a weary drifter. These hotels are much more than even your modern boutique hotels... I guess I should just show you... (Side note for those of us that are based out of Omaha, you might want to consider an overnight stay at the Graduate Lincoln if you can't make your way back after a night in Lincoln). For those that aren't in Nebraska, check out the chain options across the country, because they are perfect for your next visit near a college And I might have a new travel bucket list to try and hit a lot of them since they are so different in each one! I fell in love with the one in Lincoln... Read on and check out these pics...


(Those that are unaware of this information, Johnny Carson was from Iowa and went to school at University of Nebraska Lincoln, thus his influence here)

The lobby was kind of my favorite...

The rooms and the details... I mean, there's so much that it was hard to capture

 There's golf simulators in this lounge area... What a fun treat to do this if you happen to be staying in the area!!!

And this motto... 

We were there to work, but tiki bar... Again, let me repeat, TIKI BAR!!!!


This would be part one...

Thank you, Graduate staff for showing my amazing friend and this retro photographer a couple of amazing spots that REALLY MADE this shoot. I can't begin to say thank you enough to all of those involved last Sunday- Josie, AJ, Dana, Dave, and there were a couple of others that I didn't catch names. If you are lucky enough to get the staff that I just referenced, they were not just really sweet, but they were very attentive and aware that our outfits needed extra recommendations and accommodations. Their input was spot on- as you will see in the next post...

XOXO, Kerry