
My brain doesn't ever stop creating...

It doesn't really stop. I know that I have a legit problem when I get involved in projects. Ask my husband, he knows there's no stopping this train.


A lot of people have asked WHAT do they do with the pictures once they have them. Legitimate question...

Well, the first answer is obviously, WHATEVER YOU WANT. The sky really is the limit. But the obvious is usually to make an album with any pictures.

My pictures, however, don't always warrant that... These type of pictures especially...

This is where, I hope you have chosen me as your artist ... Here's a list of ideas:

-Post-it notes (so that your family and office staff know exactly what you mean when you write things down and maybe how you want them to listen)

-Notebook cover (to giggle at whoever gets to stare at your lovely face saying some very specific quote)

-Bookmark (for when you find yourself reading.... riiiiiiiigggghhhhht)

-Calendars (and if you made a couple of Norman Rockwell pinup style, then this makes it even more fun)

-Playing cards (for your children to always remember you are still involved in their playtime)

-Luggage tags (because someone tries to take your luggage and you can shout at them that your face is on that tag)

-Glassware (EVERYONE should drink out of your beer mugs)

-Stationary and Thank You Cards (the quotes add some humor AND personalization)

-Phone Cases (yes, that's obvious because then you know which phone belongs to you)

-Magnets (your kids will know you are with them at the fridge even when they decide to go off to college)

The list goes on. These kind of things are just silly enough because you might not be recognized right off the bat AND sarcastic enough that it makes it acceptable. I won't lie, I had teatowels made of myself as a tiki girl and I think it is hilarious when my husband wipes his hands on my coconuts. Really, my coconuts. 

But I might also be partial because I love to add a layer of real to these products. This right here...

in a tea towel... (Actual amazing recipe) 


Will post something about my products in the future... Because some of us might have gotten product because it's silly. 




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