
Pink Robes at the Graduate Hotel Lincoln

Part two...


I mean, in my previous post I talked about the staff at the Graduate hotel in Lincoln. We were walking around taking pictures in amazing vintage clothes brought you by LaDama Vintage (Lauren runs this private boutique) in Omaha. And I bust out two of my new favorite robes. Because what doesn't scream vintage starlet more than PINK ROBES??? One is an ombre pink peach and the other is Barbie pink. And I have these pink heels that I can't even begin to tell you (if you love shoes, you would get it... and one of these days, I will just photograph these shoes, side note for those that care).

Between the WOMEN'S BATHROOM to the BRIDAL SUITE at ... I hope I can find someone who wants to do a shoot here again. Because this might have been the most fun ever for a creative... And yes, I realize my friend looks like Marilyn Monroe so that brings about a vibe that is hard to duplicate... But really, this was kind of the best in a photographer's mindset... enough talking, more pictures, AM I RIGHT?

(Did you know the suites have an old school arcade machine and a SMEG fridge???) 


All the modeling does make one wish for another cup of coffee... 


Cheers to this friend, who gets my silly and was ready to get memed. Those will be coming, but currently, this is an overload of all the things. 

And I am almost certain you have fallen in love with her. I know, she's kind of a starlet. (She doesn't act like this in real life, not even a smidge, so there's that part that makes her even more adorable... because seriously, my tribe of people are the farthest from the glam dram as possible... but goodness, you make them up and put them in clothes that exude a whole different look and the vibe... oh yeaaaaaa).


XOXO, Kerry 

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