





Entries in mermaidpinup (1)



Life before Covid, I had approached a former co-worker as I realized that her husband's tattoo shop (Liquid Courage) just hired a local artist (Wags Sign Company) for a MERMAID sign in front of their shop. It was A FLASH MERMAID TATTOO, done in that almost Sailor Jerry kind of way. Such a cool piece of art.

It was so inspiring, I had to get in touch with my friend to see if she would want to do a mermaid session. We had all these plans, with a couple of other girlfriends in her life to do a mermaid session together... Best laid plans and then of course, the pandemic hit.

Everything went on hold. But as soon as we could, with immunizations in place, we were able to get these beautiful LONG AWAITED images. I LOVE how her session turned out. I learned quite a bit more about flash tattoos that I have found inspiring for all my pinup work. I caught up with an old friend who I have missed working with. And you know, we took some pretty amazing pictures with ideas for fun products. Because her images are so perfect...

Without much ado, can we just awe in this???

I mean, I really can't even. I have a set of retro housewife that I hope to share in another blog post, but for now, how cute are these images?

And for one final product option, because of just how much we love great people who inspire us... A page of temporary tattoos?!?! How perfect?!!


Stay tuned for a page on products.

Lots of love and good vibes,
